Snowbird not true............
1 timothy 5:23 go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.
the message bible.
i've recently begun drinking a little wine each night before i go to sleep.. the wine is a blueberry variety that i bought from a neighboring vineyard.. it has helped my stomach problems a lot.. syl.
Snowbird not true............
1 timothy 5:23 go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.
the message bible.
i've recently begun drinking a little wine each night before i go to sleep.. the wine is a blueberry variety that i bought from a neighboring vineyard.. it has helped my stomach problems a lot.. syl.
Have you heard of the Debauchery that is being discussed at that JWT Site.... A True Christian would want to stay clear from things as Immoral Sex, Drunkeness, Obscene Talk. Why would Any True Christain surrond himself with such Debauchery?........ "Watchtower Oct 14, 2011."
1 timothy 5:23 go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.
the message bible.
i've recently begun drinking a little wine each night before i go to sleep.. the wine is a blueberry variety that i bought from a neighboring vineyard.. it has helped my stomach problems a lot.. syl.
1 timothy 5:23 go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.
the message bible.
i've recently begun drinking a little wine each night before i go to sleep.. the wine is a blueberry variety that i bought from a neighboring vineyard.. it has helped my stomach problems a lot.. syl.
Outlaw was that taken in Maine???
(Old Maine joke...told by Mainers)
How can you tell the difference from a Moose and a Woman from Maine?
The Woman is wearing a flannel shirt
so my sister in law is scanning all the old family pictures.
with my brother a very long time ago.
our parents are from texas, hence the visit to the old shrine.
that is Cool Jeff...
You saw Zeppelin... Damn I'm more impressed than if someone saw Jesus personally...
ya ya Jesus ya you met him...... So What Songs did they play??? Did they do Stairway???
Very Jealous..
1 timothy 5:23 go ahead and drink a little wine, for instance; it's good for your digestion, good medicine for what ails you.
the message bible.
i've recently begun drinking a little wine each night before i go to sleep.. the wine is a blueberry variety that i bought from a neighboring vineyard.. it has helped my stomach problems a lot.. syl.
Nothing like a wine hangover
Very True.... and not to get grapic
If you end up throwing up......... Everyone..... Atheist included..... " Oh God Help me Oh God let me die!"
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
How could we Forget Music's best Master and Genius..........
lady atheist.
my top ten grievances against the bible .
1. authority -- not -- it was compiled, copied, edited, codified and translated by men.
My #1 is....
How many Centuries and How many Men Women and Children Died Becuse of this book.....
Mostly because.."You don't believe our view?..... Well God wants you dead then.... In the Name Of Jesus!!!"
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
Frank Zappa Watermelon in Easter Hay
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.